Why I decided to chase my career in data science?

Posted by Shawn Shou on June 15, 2021

I have been working with Data for over 10 years, and the data I mentioned is the brain signals that are recorded from many human participants either healthy or patients with some kinds of diseases, e.g., autism. And from these data, I am developing analytic methods to dig patterns or biomarkers that can be used to understand how our human brain is working and/or why certian brain diseases occured. However, I didn’t have comprehensive training in data science, but learned skills by empirical learning via internet or literature. Therefore, my skill is still quite limited.

These years, I have saw data increase in a dramatic speed in my field, as well as other fields in the market. And I am pretty interested to play with data, and find the underlying information buried in the data via data analysis. Based on my experience and backgroud, I would like to work in an industry job that emphasize on both data and signal processing.

That’s pretty much about why I choose to attend the data science course. Hope I can get a job after graduation